Thursday, February 20, 2014

Searchlights and Sunglasses Assignment

  1. Mark Twain meant that there are only two things than change expose, and share aspects of life. The sun is one because it is the only thing that is in all parts of the world, every day. The press is the second because people can receive news whenever, wherever, and however in today's day and age due to cellphones, the internet, and widespread newspapers.
  2. A honest search engine I have used mostly in the first quarter is Google. The information that I have found using Google has all been accurate. Partially due to the sites I view, but Google typically supplies credible sources. I have learned to not trust wikipedia because the information can be changed by anyone.
  3. An example of the entire world reacting instantly is the use of social media. A vast majority of people have cell phones with internet access. By having access to the internet at the tip of their fingers, (pun intended), people can see what is happening in Afghanistan within a matter of a couple of key stokes.
  4. Yes, I consider myself a journalist. First, in the very first line it states that anyone can be a journalist. Second because I do cover stories of different mediums. Some are more interesting to me than others but I still handle them. Finally, I can take commentary from the world around me by using storify and include it in my stories.
  5. One contribution to the evolution of mass media is smart phones. Smart phones allow people to access a world of news in a matter of seconds. In the old days, people would use typewriters and print hot papers for the next day. Now, we can write on a computer and publish our stories online. Also, digital media has allowed us to present information and stories in a brand new way. We can make presentations or videos to get the news out.
  6. The ascendant in my generation would have to be the cell phone with internet access. So many teenagers and young adults are using Twitter, Instagram, Vine, and Pinterest to share their thoughts and opinions for anyone to see and save. The liabilities are that whatever you put out on the internet is there forever. Even if you delete it, someone may have it saved away on a ghost site. My generation would be classified as millennial. Some parts to this category are accurate but some are not. Young adults my age are not selfless or reflexive.
  7. I consider myself a digital native because of the generation I was born into. I do use the internet for a plethora of things, but I do not solely rely on it, nor do I prefer it. I like to consider myself old-fashioned to some degree, where I like to have a physical textbook to take notes in and to carry around. 
  8. The Hutchins Commission came to a decision that media comes in to effect a great deal in how the world and society turn out. The media can sway people's opinions. They say that the media is responsible and should be considerate of what they talk about, and how they shape their stories.
  9. Kerner and Carnegie say that the media should not target all of the people in the world. They should have a specific group that they want to appeal to. Hutchins says that the news systems need to improve and target more people and get as much information out to as many people as possible. 
  10. These graphs are saying that the overall amount of people being employed are remaining the same. By gaining a bachelor's degree, you are not to be guaranteed a job in the future. 
  11. He compares society and the internet to a frog on boiling water. I can understand how this is an accurate analysis. He says that we are so clueless to what is really happening to us when we view the media that we will eventually become so deep in the media and what they want us to think, that we will be overtaken. Kaiser says that the Post will try and design the electronics classified and design the first online newspaper. In Kaiser's memo, he is reported to have hinted to how hard these tasks would be for the Post. He says that the Post should try and postpone information until they are confident. 
  12. Some advantages are that writers can be independent, creative, and innovative in their work. The writers will be guided by people who know what they are doing. A disadvantage is that journalism schools will be threatened. 
  13. You can make the inference that television will remain the highest and best way to get news out to the people. Also, newspaper sales will continue to go down, and possibly become non-existent.
  14. I do not think that philanthrojournalism is a viable business model. This model is suppose to pay for non-profit journalism. To me, that seems contradictory. Also, if someone is doing work for "no profit", it truly should be for no profit.
  15. Anytime a journalist puts a story out for the public to view, they should want all of their information to be their own words. They should not feel the need to copy or have similar information on the same story. If the story has certain aspects that need to be in it, of course, but if the story is about a person that you can get your own interviews with or find out new information, I think they should totally go that route. The public does not want to read recycled, old stories. They want all of the new, current, and juicy stories. 
  16. I would suggest that they make their products simpler. Some of the links to the site did not work, but the ones that did seemed complicated. I did not know exactly I was looking at, such as if it was a product to sell? The layout was sort of confusing and uncertain as to what was going on.
  17. I would present this information as a place of interest and need. These people in these locations need help and they can not pay for it in certain circumstances. The layer cake narrative I would choose would be under political reporting. 
  18. No, not at all! I do not feel that the journalist is responsible to ensure that the murder goes to prison. As a journalist you are suppose to report an unbiased story and should not get personally involved. When a story becomes personal, it can be compromised by emotions. This is not a path that a credible journalist should take. They should just report the story, and possibly the outcome of the case.

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