Monday, May 12, 2014

Edward Snowden: Do Too Many People, Know Too Much?

Are our nation's top secrets not closely protected? Everyone in Congress hears information and opinions of our government everyday. Congress is re-elected every few years. If you are a member of the House of Representatives, your seat in Congress is up for election every two years. Senators have a little longer term; they are only up for re-election every six years.

In my opinion, this is problematic for members of Congress. Even though they are protected to say their true opinion under the Constitution, some members could be afraid to speak their mind. They have a lot on their plate. Being a member of Congress is a big responsibility, with a big salary.

When considering their opinion, they also take into consideration that they have to please the public. Sadly, some members of Congress work for re-election so they can keep their job safe. This can lead to bad decisions in our government.

Since people are possibly cycled through every 2 years, that could lead to a large number of people who know our nation's secrets. I would suggest that we allow members of Congress a few more years, per term, to allow them an adequate amount of time. With more time in a seat, members could fully express their beliefs, therefore, I expect them to make more educated decisions. People will work less for being liked by the public, and more for what is better for our country.

Longer terms also benefit the American public because the people in these spots have more experience. They know how to do business and how to work the system. This would also allow the members to have a little chemistry. Chemistry would allow them to work together to get work done and pass more bills.

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