Thursday, May 15, 2014

Minimum Wage, No Longer Minimum...?

Is a $10-15 minimum wage really the best answer to solving the present problems?

Michigan's minimum wage is currently at $7.40. Recent protests have been staged to raise the minimum wage up to $15.00. This large increase would be more than double what it already is.

People supporting this raise feel that this is a logically thing to do. In this blog I will tell you five reasons as to why I feel the minimum wage should not be raised.

The first reason addresses the fast food workers on strike. You work at a fast food restaurant. You are filling a job that is easily replaced by any commoner walking the streets. A degree or diploma is not required to work as a cashier, drive through operator, or patty flipper.

Secondly, working at a fast food restaurant is not going to make you rich. Typically, you work at one of these places because you can not get a better job. People do not grow up hoping they will work at the local McDonalds.

Adding on to the previous salary comment; you can not sufficiently support a family working at a place like one of these restaurants with a $7.40 minimum wage. With that being said, it sounds like I am advocating the raising of the minimum wage. I do not at all feel that way. I would tell a person who uses that as their argument that they should not have had so many kids or that they should work for a better job.

Also, with college being so expensive, young adults are beginning to look for jobs. If the minimum wage was raised to $15, a lot of kids would be swayed to apply for these jobs, forcing the current holders out of their jobs. If that were to occur, there would a big commotion about hiring all new workers. Employers could possibly be convinced to hire the youngsters who have interest in working, in addition to the same credentials, possibly better.

The fifth and final reason that the minimum wage should stay the same has a little more to do with society than the actual money. Fast food restaurants are not a good thing for our nation. They are a great concept, with many short term benefits such as: a quick-and-easy dinner, great taste, typically hot, etc., but there are also draw-backs. Fast food restaurants are causing our youth to be overweight. It is not healthy how much kids have gained in weight with all of the fast food at their fingertips. By raising the minimum wage, there would be no incentive to get rid of these types of places. It is an unrealistic goal to remove fast food from our growing world, but it is most definitely not a step in the right direction to encourage their growth.

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