Sunday, July 6, 2014

All-Star Game 2014

The starting lineups for this season's summer classic have been released. (American League & National League).

Considering this is an All-Star game, each team will have STACKED rosters; I believe that one team has the edge, though, this year. In my opinion, the National League has a stronger team this year.

Over the years the AL has been considered more of a hitters league, while the NL is predominately the league with tremendous pitching performances. It seems this year the NL has both. Their lineup is the most balanced it has been in the past five years, and they arguable have three of the best starting pitchers in the game right now (Kershaw, Cuteo, and Wainwright).

The American League lineup is not by any means a cake-walk for any NL pitcher. They have some strong players in that lineup. Miguel Cabrera, the best hitter in the MLB the past four seasons, will be batting cleanup in this lineup. He will be protected by Mike Trout, 3rd, and Jose Bautista, 5th. The table setters for these three big bats are Derek Jeter leading off and Robinson Cano in the two-hole. (Projected lineup spots)***

The "X-Factor" for the American League team will be Jose Altuve, when he gets in the game. This man has mad game. He can hit, field, and run the bases. When Altuve gets the chance to take his hacks, he WILL make them count. Any chance Altuve has to display his skills, he will take them. A single in the scorebook can turn into a double within a matter of seconds. Altuve is not in the starting lineup, but he could end up being the key to the AL's bid to win this game.

The National League will have a big game from Yasiel Puig, who I predict will be the ASG MVP. Puig will probably bat at the top of the lineup, two or three most likely, and he will play a starting outfield position. Defensively is why Puig will win the MVP. Yasiel has an unbelievable arm that will assist him in throwing out a runner one the bases in this game. He will also have a solid day at the play with a pair of hits, potentially a homerun.

As we have grown to know the importance of the All-Star Game, determining home-field advantage for the World Series, this is a game to be taken seriously now. As I stated earlier, I predict that the National League has the better team this year, therefore I feel that they will win this game 3-2, lead by Yasiel Puig offensively and defensively.

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