Thursday, March 20, 2014

In-Class Exercise 3/20/14 - Wages and Job Creation

Jobs are not being handed out like candy in today's day and age. They are difficult for people of all races, genders, and levels of education to acquire. If an employer is willing to bring you onto their staff, you should feel honored. Instead, some people feel they are entitled. Before people even start working they are making requests such as higher wages, less hours, and more time off for vacation. Being a rookie on the job, I would strongly advise you do not perform these negotiation tactics. Once you serve your time, like all of the other senior employees, you will be granted more freedoms and have more room to negotiate. The woman who has made these requests was not pleased with the answer that she received. She states that some of the requests are easier to fulfill thank others and she is confused as to why they did not want to negotiate. A college professor job was ranked in the top 3 best jobs in the country on CNN. This profession has everything you could possibly want, apparently not for some people. As a college professor the standard median salary for a seasoned professor is $70,400 a year. Wow! That's a lot of money to be made for teaching a class. This job also was rated to be not extremely stressful, but a very secure job. Having a secure job is the most important factor because that means you are established in your career and you also have a steady income of money. These facts all sound great, but are they entirely true? On another site the same aspects of a college professor were looked at. The numbers are not identical, but in the same ballpark. I would personally trust the CNN site more because it is a more established site. For a third site to come into the mix, Forbes, states that the level of negotiation can be determined by the amount of competitiveness in each profession. This is a valid point because employers have to hire a certain amount of workers to keep their business alive, therefore allowing room for the employees to bargain for extra incentives. In the end, if you are only willing to work for a company with your standards, try and push the envelope. If they shoot down your requests, do not get mad because the world is a business and they have to make money just like you.

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