Monday, March 24, 2014

Searchlights and Sunglasses Ch. 5

1) To have democracy and civics education there has to be a freedom of speech so people are not afraid to speak their mind. There has to be new forms of media otherwise the community will get bored.

2) One of the two sites that the Knight Foundation helped fund is The second project that they created was Sunshine Week. This is a group where they report on how much journalistic freedom they have.

3) In society today we need to pursue the truth because people can post things whenever they want with as little information to back it up as possible. You have to check the validity of the information because you could be misinformed.

4)Journalism provides truth-seeking by having a person who has their job to research facts. They are suppose to search for what is right and present it to the people in an unbiased way. Innovation contributes new ideas and thoughts. People come up with their own original projects that can lead to clean work.

5) Comfort news makes people happy. They look forward to seeing the news because they know it is not depressing or sad. It is generally the feel-good story.

6) They say that comfort news is not good for a person, like too much comfort food is not good for you. An example is that a person who eats to much food will having increasing health-care bills. They say we are what we eat, therefore, we are what news we listen to.

7) This is a trick question in the sense that the media controls media consumption. We the people actually control media consumption. We control it because as views we can control what we watch, listen to, and read. If we do not choose to view a certain form of media, they are out of a job.

8) There has to be media literacy so the message is conveyed to the people easily. If they do not understand what you are trying to say, they will lose interest.

9) Digital literacy is needed to make it easier to consume media. Digital media is the glue to all forms of media because you can access it anywhere if you have internet.

10) The author says that great journalism is the fair, accurate, contextual search for the truth.

11) San Francisco had to wait 2 years to reach non-profit status.

12) People view the IRS grants only non-profit status to "government watchdogs".

13) After 9/11 support for the First Amendment among adults dropped severely. People were concerned that the government was not properly protecting their rights.

14) Schools observe Constitution Day on September 17. Constitution Day was created in 2005.

15) Teachers should know about new media technology so they can stay with times and help present the material to their students the best they can. I would not say that is it a requirement for them to be up to date, but it would be beneficial for all people if they knew what they were talking about.

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