Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Searchlights and Sunglasses Ch. 4

1) People must act on news. They have to be engaged and interested in it to make an impact in the community.

2) There was a total of $500 million dollars cited.

3) Thousands of traditional journalism jobs have vanished in recent years.

4) The author says that journalist are partly to blame for the lack of news literacy in our community because they have to inform their viewers with accurate information.

5) Professional organizations can focus on the impact of journalism. They could also create open contests and conventions. Finally, they can explain the role of journalism by teaching the importance of journalism through current forms of receiving news.

6) The problem was that no one was interested in solving their problems. They did not report on anything bad. After people started reporting on these issues, big things started happening. Over the years, Deerfield had better voting turnouts (which was a step in the right direction).

7) Online ads bring in less money than print ads did.

8) Nationally arts journalism is doing well, but locally it is not doing so hot. The author uses film to highlight how well arts journalism is doing nationally. Movies are still very popular.

9) Every spike in an election has been inline with a spike in a medium. The order of mediums are: newspapers (first), radio (second), television (third), and in present time, digital media (fourth).

10) The big mistake that traditional news have made is that they request anonymous comments on their websites.

11) To better engage their communities they need to be open to telling the people why they do what they do.

12) There is a relationship because the news being reported causes people to want to get up and act on it based on how their party presents the topic.

13) You can go to Poynter for a code of ethics. Also, there is a Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics that you can look up to follow.

14) Digital media does create new concerns because people can put anything out on the internet within a matter of seconds for all to see. I do not believe that by having digital media these problems can be easily solved. Regardless these problems will be hard to contain and the internet does not benefit the credibility at all.

15) My personal view of ethics is that you should respect others and that you should have boundaries. Of course, always report the truth. If you report false information, you have no credibility. To be successful, you have to be true to the people. I have my own standards with my personal life and information. I do not share anything with anyone that I would not want repeated. Also, anytime I say something, I take full responsibility for it. Once you've said something, you have to own it. Ethics are becoming screwed up in our society today, therefore, I will stop myself because I could continue on for hours and no one really wants to hear that.

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