Friday, March 14, 2014

"We don't need no mind Control" Assignment

2) In Cato's brief philosophy statement their specific diction indicates that they are a libertarian party. Some of the words and phrases that indicate this are the following: individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. These three key phrases are common beliefs among those of the libertarian party. Libertarians are not strictly conservative, or strictly liberal; they are the common ground, not siding with one particular ideology.

4) Progressive ideology is the belief that the government and the rules of the world should evolve as society does. For example, a law that prohibits an African American from dining at a designated restaurant now would be discrimination. Back when the United States was being founded, a law like this was fit for the time. Progressive ideology is correct to a certain degree. It can cross the line when we pick and choose what we want to evolve as time goes on. In the first line of the Center for American Progress statement, they say "[we are] dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action". This means that they want to work to help better our lives as much as possible.

5) 1) The Alliance for Excellent Education - This statement is saying that as Americans, we should not discriminate against people because of where they live, rather, we should set everyone with an equal playing field based off of sheer skill. Also, they want to set standards for everything. They mainly want standard tests such as the SAT and the ACT. They do not think that by achieving standards they will solve all of their problems, but they do feel it is a great step in the right direction.
    2) The ASCD - This program works to prepare students for the workforce, college, and the global economy. They want to create an internationally credible organization with hard evidence of research. This program wants to implement skills and tactics that their students can use when they go off into the workforce instead of receiving basic book knowledge.
    3) Hunt Institute - The Hunt Institute is basically the same as both of the previous organizations. They want to work to preparing students for college, work, and all future endeavors that they could possibly face in life.

6) In both of their statements, they talk up their organization in the best way possible. They do not use negative words to describe their programs. The two programs are different in their respective ways. The Cato statement is about how they want to be independent from a large amount of government control. Cato wants social and economic freedom for all people so they can flourish without being watched by the government. The Center for American Progress talks a lot about helping the young people of society develop their skills to survive in the world once they complete school. They do not want their students to have only text-book knowledge, but also to have street smarts.

7) A) The Media Matters review had me slightly confused to begin. Once I scrolled down past the video the article made a little more sense to me. They talked about how Fox has had contradicting views on the topics that the Common Core has addressed. At the bottom of the review I did like how they incorporated the graphic of myth vs. fact. This graphic is a correct interpretation in my eyes. People believe that by having a standard, that it will actually be a standard. The schools themselves raise or lower this standard based off of how they feel necessary.
     B) The Commentary Magazine did a solid job reporting the story from an unbiased view point in my opinion. They gave perspectives from both the side of supporting the Common Core, but also not being in complete favor of it. They did throw in their own opinion slightly, when they labeled it "ObamaCore".

     C) Thomas Fordham had a strong opinion on the Common Core, in that they support its work and having high standards. They say that not all states are in favor of them, but they are present in their state. Also, they say that people should not talk trash about one another's view on the Common Core because it does not get the discussion anywhere.

     D) The New York Times reports on the Common Core in a liberal way. This means that they are not fully in favor of the views of the Common Core. In the title alone they say that even the critics of the Common Core now agree with the liberal perspective. That could not be entirely true, even though they put it in their paper.

     E) In Education Week's review on the Common Core they do not feel that this organization is effective. They wrote that teachers tend to teach what is in the textbook, and that information solely. They go on to say that if the information in the textbook not on the in the textbook, but on the standard, it will not be taught. This could become problematic.

     F) has the right idea in my opinion. If we want to better help students, we should act, instead of talking about acting like they have been. They also have a comment that was perplexing. They said that the Unites States is the only developed nation that people entering the workforce who are less educated than those retiring from it.

     G) Politico use to be an avid supporter of the Common Core and their beliefs, but has recently pulled back their support. They do not feel that the teachers are instituting the standards on the Common Core properly. This would be a liberal view because they are not in support of the Common Core.

     H) The National Journalist describes the Common Core as unconstitutional and unfair. The conservatives feel that the Common Core is bad because there is a lot of false information out in the world that could throw some students off in their studies. Some of these view points are coming from people who feel that people of African or Hispanic dissent are scoring lower than Caucasian or Asian. (This has been reported as false)

     I) On the Washington Post they report that the teachers are not in favor of the Common Core standard tests. They question the purpose of these tests and why they have to administer them over various days. California, a state with one of the largest public school populations (said on their post), is rebelling against adopting the news tests to their schools. This is a big story considering the amount of public schools in the area.

     J) The Huffington Post has an interesting statement to start their view that I would like to talk on. Rep. Bobby Scott says, in summary, if we want to compete on a national scale with the powerhouses of youth academics, we need to step up our game and raise the expectations of our young ins because we are behind compared to the rest of the world.

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