Monday, March 10, 2014

Searchlights and Sunglasses Ch. 2

1) Journalism and mass communication matter because universities are showing interest in local journalism and good news. This is important because journalism schools want to play an important role in the news flow of their communities.

2) The difference is not made to the reader, because they do not want to do the work themselves to find the true story and its background. The information and presentation might not be the best by an unprofessional, but that is not always a guarantee.

3) I do not believe that journalism education needs to modernize. Some people have better takes on certain topics and can present their opinion in a stronger way than another person. They do not have to be taught how to be a journalist because they are a talented writer.

4) Yes, there are greater implications. You need to teach journalism as the best job in the world, rather than as a skill to acquire.

5) There are more than 450 programs of journalism that are reaching out to their universities. This would not be enough programs to satisfy the needs of the entire country. These amounts of people can not cover all of the news in all of the communities.

6) I believe they should be hired based off both. You need to have the foundation and knowledge to be able to teach to others how things should be done. Also, they need to have experience because everything in life is not cut and dry, text book based. Things change, and you never know what curveball will be thrown your way.

7) In journalism, it is necessary that you have multiple eyes looking at the writings before they hit the press. This is important because you do not want one writer to become biased and to skew the papers.

8) Team-teaching allows students to gain a background of a certain issue so they can sound knowledgable in their work. Students do not want to sound ignorant and report false, inaccurate information.

9) In team-teaching you gain knowledge in a field of study outside of your comfort zone, journalism. You also get to work with new people who have a different take than you on material that you may know nothing about. This can come in handy one day if you ever need to speak with someone this field.

10) Knowledge journalism is when you put academic research into the hands of journalists to help increase the quality and depth of reporting.

11) He says that the New York World is potentially underused by most universities.

12) 1) They need to expand their role in the community. 2) They need to be innovational. 3) They need to teach open and collaborative. 4) Finally, they need to expand in the university.

13) They teach E-Learning.

14) The advantages are that they are low-cost and self-directed modules. The disadvantages are that the class is online and you do not get one on one, in-person communication.

15) Libel insurance is important to newsrooms that have student writers. This can be good for some people who have never worked under pressure before. Libel means something that is false and is damaging to a person's name or self.

16) I agree to a certain degree. The top professionals know that keys to making a solid story with basis and meat. They would probably be able to obtain a degree if they attempted. That is not to say though, that people who do not have a degree, can not be the top journalists. You can write, and write well, without having a piece of paper that says you know the keys to making a well written story.

17) Licensing journalists would be a smart idea because it would make people more professional. They would have to pass certifications so they could not just write all they want. This does infringe on the First Amendment because people have the freedom of speech, but journalists should be more professional in their work because of the gratitude people take with their words. The government abuses licensing by picking which professions have to be licensed.

18) If you can not research properly, or help people research well, people will not take you seriously. You will not be a credible journalist if everything is opinionated.

19) Yes, because they would have better knowledge to collaborate to make one big piece of work. I feel that help from scientists would help journalist's jobs be a lot easier if they could explain the science aspect more because that is so much work for one person to do in a short period of time. Specifically, in genetics and biology some terms can be hard to grasp.

20) Student journalists should be in with the people in their community. They need to have the public know who they are, considering they are only young adults who's word is taken with a grain of salt.

21) More than 18,000 journalist jobs have been lost in daily newspapers.

22) Watchdog journalism is the security camera that keeps the powerful in check.

23) Without watchdog journalism people will write whatever they want and feel they can get away with it.

24) Journalism students should try and get a job ANYWHERE possible. The workforce is so hard to find openings in today's economy. You will most likely be handed grunt work, coffee runs, or paper running. This is good for students. They are young and can get their foot in the door at a real newspaper.

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